The Way of the Onyx
An Attitude of Disciplined Patience for the Discovery of Moral Truths
The onyx is a serpent made of stone in the shape of a circle swallowing its own tail. It symbolizes eternity and the cycle of the universe in the fold. For the individual it is a symbol of responsibility to maintain moral rights and truths and the stoic strenth of patience and exceptance to all circumstance. The way of the onyx is a lifestyle of pursing the knowledge of real truths, morality and contentment for the benefit of the individual gi. Real truths and morals are divulged through intuition, and the pursuit of knowledge. Morality is the maintance of real truths. The onyx in endowed with SEGMENTS or "powers" which are tools latent in all gis to repel OBSTACLES. Consideration and attentiveness to these segments in daily life minimize all obstructions to the onyx and lead to contentment in the individual gi. The onyx is a state of mind and NOT a goal, if the onyx where a destination it could never be reached. The onyx itself is perfect and always in accordance with real truths and morals. Gi can only bide along with the onyx and cannot become the onyx. Gi is always just below the level and understanding of the onyx. So gi should seek the guidance and wisdom of the onyx but never believe it has obtained equality with the onyx. The onyx is seduced only by knowledge. pleasure and desires are obstructions for the onyx. Knowledge shows real truths and morals and when followed correctly bring contentment to the onyx instead of artificial happiness from pleasure and passion. The onyx bides with patience. Patience is the core virtue to exceptance of all circumstance pleasurable or painful, good or evil. The onyx knows that good and evil are relative to the individual and themselves are perceived obstructions and artificial elements of krelum, yet goodness is the key trait of the onyx for it knows that indulgence in pleasure is artificial and disjoined from true goodness and evil or bad acts are performed either because of the belief that some benefit may come from such evil but in reality is again a false pleasure. Gi receives moral truths through intuition emitted from the vector nest. Concieous thought gives gi the ability to choose to follow or deny these instincts, if gi is working to be with the onyx and disiplines itself to be attentive to each of its segments in balance, the rewards will make themselves evident in gi's reality as it bides to except its circumstance and follows its moral intuitions. The regular gi receives these same instincts yet they are skewed because of the addiction to krelum and its artificial satisfaction. The segments of the onyx when considered lead to the urge to maintain moral rights and seek knowledge. Wrongs are purley contradictions to rights, they are only polar degrees of an idea with reprecussions in reality. Every action regaurdless of the definition of good or bad put upon it by concieous observers, is a product of natural order. The "free will" of concieousness decides choices best for itself but these choices act in accordence to the light of the vector nest, wherein thought acts as fleeting balls of information each of which undescernable from the other as units. When you decide to react to something you dont technically decide, your subconcious does and you can only act upon the foundation of your subconcious triggers and controls. You have the freedom of choice, but every action you make is dependent on and influences natural order. Each "good" instant with time unfolds to "bad" instances and vice versa. The exceptance of these degrees with attentiveness to the segments of the onyx, lead the gi to the life of biding with the onyx which provide pure and real goods that are the seeds of contentment and the real pleasure of living, thinking and simply being in harmony through moderation. Evil acts are done for the sake of artificial pleasure or benefit, no evil act is comitted with ignorance, when someone does something deemed "evil" they did it with the culminative thoughts of acknowledgement to the acts evilness, and either because they were at the moment overwhelmed by pleasure or calculated that such an act was integrel to their personal benifit or pleasure. Acts of pleasure lead to pain in much the same way, upon conclusion of the pleasurable thing or moment a void grows and withdrawl of the same or a differn't pleasure is needed to curb the anxiety. Real goodness towards the self promotes the urge for more real goodness which is not overwhelming and leaves no anxiety when the activity is complete. Real goodness towards the external enviornment promotes future contentment in return. Real goodness in attitude is benevolence towards all creatures (with the exception of the necessity to cosume protein wherein the act should be as humane as possible) as well as complete exceptance to every circumstance. Daily activities such as exercise, being with nature, meditation, stretching, yoga, study, reading, writing, music, dancing, art, moments of self reflection, the company of love ones and conversation are some examples of real goods that lead gi to the path of the onyx and a life of contentment with real happiness. Goods and evils are meerly degrees of influence. Pain being a concentrated excess of pleasure and pleasure being a more suttle feeling just below the threshold of pain. Every relative good and bad act have reprecussions in reality, some evil acts go unpunished and yet some great goods go completely ignored yet the exceptance of the balance of these circumstances for the ultimate benefit of nature and the tendency towards good promotes the individual gi towards higher perception and greater control of understanding of the self. Whilst tendency towards evil or bad acts leads to false pleasures which bring upon exponential pain and badness towards the enviorment which triples back upon gi and creates confusion of the mind. These goods and bads CANNOT be seen as right or wrong however, only blacks and whites which compose the dull grey of the krelum. The apiring onyx should bide in exceptance towards order as greyness and possess the attitude and actions of whiteness. The onyx has eighteen powers called SEGMENTS:
Consideration is the harmonious attention to all eighteen segments. If one were interested in following the onyx, the individual would practice such powers daily, using concentration at first to understand both segments and obstacles and then through recognition and action putting the segments into practice if determinate will prove succesful and eventually evolve to a general attitude that reacts from the second nature of the subconcieous. Intropspection is the acknowledgment and analysis of the self, one should not judge or compare the self for each is unique, but rather concentrate on the qualities that make the self unique, and meditation on the individuals place in reality, goals for the contentment of life, general attitude, the pursuit of goodness, and the flaws throughout every person that when considered lead to dramatic changes and lessons of prosperous benefit. To bide is to mantain the complete attitude of patience and exceptance, the only control anyone has is who they are, and how they act, everything else is determined by order, "why" and "reason" are obsolite, what does matter is the manner in which we except such inevitabilities. For instance We can work tirelessly towards a certain way of life, but in the end our departure from mortality is due to order. When one bides with the onyx they have no use for reason only a pristine analysis for what is and how it could be within the limits of natural law. Excersise and health are important to content physical awareness, for thought in the mind to be happy and productive the body must be fit and nutrition disciplined. Attitude is the projection of all the segments through self character. When one has a benevolent and patient attitude their reactions to things, people and situations are tactical rather than compelled by certain emotions. Goodness is to treat the self and the external enviornment with ease and confidence, to react in accordance with all segments and the soul of the onyx. Goodness also requires pain to be tolerated in the obvious circumstance that another needs assistance even if it would cause pain or discomfort for the self, goodness is treating all things with an attitude of love and wellness, dispersing it equally to friend and enemy the same and to keep goodness of thought, to not wish pain or trouble upon anything or anyone. Moderation is to consume or possess materials that are utilities and minimal in number. Excess distributes confusion to the mind, creating branches of probable choices that become overwhelming. Moderation is to have things that are useful and pleasant while keeping the upmost care and respect for such items so that they possess more than just matter but sentimental quality. Unity and equality are mindful considerations imploring that the onyx is only a grain in an endless dessert, no particular gi is more or less important to the order of nature than another, thus non is more beautiful or intelligent or supreme than another. The onyx bestows fair treatment and goodness to all things. Faith of will is purely faith in the ability of the self to become content and happy and to acheive any goal within the limits of natural law. Study and Knowledge should be the category of daily tasks in which inrich the mind and bring forth widom from reading, educational and artistic film and television (in moderation), art, writing and basic study of personal`interests. Solitude is the domain in which the onyx bides, isolation brings upon time for study, excersise, meditation and productive activitites. Loneliness is an obstacle for the onyx and the need for social interaction is an accsesory that can be replaced with beneficial activities. Patience is a core virtue of the onyx, patience is the foundation that makes all things possible. Contemplation is similiar to introspection except it is the consideration of happenings or other things in detail so as to truley knowing them, using every sense organ possible to first know said object or situation then by contemplation begin to understand them. Tactical reaction is acting physically and emotionally to circumstance with consideration to goodness and each segment. Conversation is the use of dialouge to debate on certain trivial questions or events and by culminative reasoning bring forth a just conclusion. Exceptance is the attainment of all eventualities with ultimate respect and undertanding. Pursit of life is the freedom to thirst for and achieve life paths and dreams so long as they do not intentionally harm another, and to not expect any good or bad but have faith in the ultimate benifit of all things. Aversion from obstacles is to know all the obstacles and to discipline the self to not desire them. The nineteen obstacles to the onyx are:
Pleasure, as previously stated is in reference to false pleasure, the pleasure of spending money or watching tv or playing video games in excess are examples of false pleasures, daily pleasures can be enjoyed, but with moderation and humor rather than sincerity. True happiness comes from study, knowledge, family, friends and the small moments of things when ignored are only things but when appreciated become real pleasures. Desire is wishing for things or people or events that seem pleasing, yet all the pleasure lies within the anticipation and momentary possession of said desire, leaving the aftermath empty and undesirable. Possesion is the attachment to things or people that if too heavy can bring upon pain, all life will some day perish and all material condensed, to observe in awe the change and elimination of all real things is part of the glory of living. Lust is akin to desire except that it usually pertains to people in the form of sexual passions. Each sex ( male or female) should be treated in the same respectful manner of goodness and exeptance, to behold the beauty of a person is an optical gift, but to compose deep thoughts of sexual desire for that person will only bring pain and discomfort, a person should be seen as equal to you with their own special talents, regaurdless of the form they possess be it "beautiful" or "ugly" for each description it relative to the observer. Distraction is the suplement of activities to superimpose productivity, when one uses distractions such as television, eating, drugs or drinking to provide an escape from essential chores, confusion and worry grows in the mind. Sloth is akin to distractions, the onyx does not circumvent work or chores with procrastination but organizes ideas and needs into a congruent plan of action. Emotions often hinder appropriate thought and reaction, one should not supress or expel emotions, but use them to ascertain the reality a situation. Instead of acting from an emotional impulse, the onyx bides in the feelings that make it a living organism yet is disciplined enough to act tactically, outside of the vice of emotional control. Self pity is a major obstacle, loneliness can turn to depression which leads to self doubt and pity, the onyx knows none of this, anything that is happening though outside its control is inevitable, but the attitude or mind state of the onyx is completly up to it, the onyx should be equally content in times of desperation and prosperity. Denial is aversion from the self, to know an evil and to commit it is denial, to know a truth and say it differn't is denial, to affirm to the self a thing to be true that to the subconcious is false is denial. Superiority is false, as mentioned, all things are functional parts of a greater whole, to say that this is more effective or "better" is an illusion, say A is claimed to be better than B, remove the "lesser" B and the whole alphabet is incomplete and does not function even with the "superior" A. Acts of badness as explained lead to false pleasures and more badness to the internal an external, badness is not wrong it is only described happenings, goodness leads to true pleasures and contentment. Excess is the possession of more than is essential, possessions may not have to serve a specific purpose or be a utility, but they should involve appreciation and together form the scene and feeling of moderation. Power is the desire for complete control or an excess of wealth or fame, Resulting in an excess of false pleasures which bring about more pain, True pleasure lies in simplicity and moderation. Worry is adding complexity to things or events, making the "ifs" of situations uncertain making the mind form hypothesis on numerous possible outcomes, the onyx excepts that all things will progress to eventuality and with patience and faith will benifit the self and the whole of nature. Loneliness is a pain that can sometimes be overwhelming, but to emerse in introspection and contemplation while working to attain true goods and pleasures of simple life and knowledge curb loneliness and with patience and time dissolve it all together. Embarrasment makes the regular gi doubt itself, the onyx however, engages in any desision or act without the thought or care of others perspective or agreement, for the onyx knows and enacts real pleasure that perhaps to an outside observer seems odd or stupid, and said observer may recite something in an attempt at humor or self satisfaction to centralize their verbal attack and expect embarrasment, but the onyx will either react with an attitude of respect and goodness or ignore the party all together. One should not have expectations, the onyx may day dream about certain things or hopes with wishful faith, but not have any expectation for the actuality of such circumstance, things dont work in accordance to individuals, some sacrifices must be made wherein some recieve pleasure and others pain, but everything happens for specific reasons to maintain order. Vanity is taking pleasure in the physical apperance of the self, the form gi takes as bodies is a nescessity for perception, the onyx should take pleasure in the beauty of life and nature, and consider the beauty of thought and the mind. Ego is akin to superiority. As mentioned, not one "thing" is more supreme than another, all are parts moving for the greater function of the whole. To know and follow each of the segments and to avert oneself from the obstacles, with an attitude of exceptance, patience and goodness is to gain a higher perception of people, things, situations and the basis of the reality that gi has been tossed into, this leads to contentment and a true understanding of the place for the self in the universe.
Kelsey C. Knudsen Dec. 2010
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